Our monthly newsletter will provide you with valuable information, program announcements and updates, and tips to maximize your OEM Certification. Would you like to share with your colleagues? They can subscribe to our free newsletter at www.certifiedcollisioncare.ca.
Kia Canada Joins Certified Collision Care
Certified Collision Care is proud to announce that Kia Canada is our newest OEM partner within the Certified Collision Care joint effort OEM certification program. Kia Canada launched the Kia Certified Collision Repair Centre program on November 28, 2017 to ensure Kia owners can choose a Certified collision repair provider that has the proper tools, equipment, training and facility required to repair their vehicle to OEM specifications, and that will deliver a best in class collision repair experience.
As a Certified Collision Care Provider, you are now able to add Kia Certified Collision Repair Centre credentials to the other OEM Certifications your facility has achieved through the Certified Collision Care program. Certified shops are automatically recognized as Kia Certified Collision Repair Centres and will be able to leverage exclusive access to Kia OEM certification logos and signage, which are available on your business profile marketing tab.
Join us at the Certified Collision Care Clinic on January 25th 2018 from 1-4pm
Sandman Signature Toronto Airport Hotel, Toronto ON.
Certified Collision Care Providers and enrolled shops are invited to our first Canadian event, being hosted just before the CCIF Toronto Reception on January 25th.
Attend the Certified Collision Care Clinic to learn how to use the tools available to you as an OEM Certified shop, to become the most valuable Certified Collision Care Provider in your market, and continually increase the value of your business. This is your opportunity to mix and mingle with other Certified repairers and our OEM partners, and to enjoy presentations focused on “How to Maximize your OEM Certifications” by our team and our OEM partners. Don’t miss this exciting free event! Watch for your official invitation and registration link will be sent out in December.
OEM Certification Signs
Our success in adding new OEMs to our program is exciting and continues to build value to all stakeholders in our program. We are pleased to confirm that there continues to be no additional enrollment fee as we add new OEM partners and make additional OEM Certifications available to your business. It does, however, require us to initiate a nominal fee of $90 to acquire OEM Certification signs. OEM Certification signs can be ordered online, on your shop profile marketing tab.
We will provide renewal stickers to update your existing sign expiry dates automatically upon your successful recertification. New signs are available for purchase online, if desired.
Manitoba Public Insurance earns certification by Certified Collision Care
Manitoba Public Insurance’s new centre for automotive research and training ─ located at the J.W. Zacharias Physical Damage Research Centre in Winnipeg ─ has been officially certified by Certified Collision Care which has strategic partnerships with Fiat Chrysler Canada, Ford Motor Company of Canada, Nissan Canada and Kia Canada for OEM Certification.
“This certification ensures proper and safe repair is being conducted to manufacturer’s specifications within our new facility,” said Ward Keith, vice-president Business Development & Communications and CAO of Manitoba Public Insurance. “Certification of our new physical damage and research centre validates our commitment to Manitoba’s collision repair industry.”
Click here to view the full news release: https://www.mpi.mb.ca/en/Newsroom/News-Releases/Pages/nr2017oct23.aspx
Congratulations to our new Certified Collision Care Providers! Visit our online locator at www.autobodylocator.ca to see our certified repair facilities in every Province across Canada.